
Héberger des pages web avec Google Domains

Votre site hébergé par google aura un nom de la forme<nom de votre bucket> . Un bucket est un espace de stockage d'un projet Google Cloud. C'est le Cloud Storage de la console de votre projet Google Cloud. Vous pouvez choisir n'importe quel nom pour votre bucket, sauf les noms de domaines web déjà existants que vous ne possédez pas ou des noms de buckets Google qui existent déjà. Si vous avez déjà des noms de domaines vous devez les faire valider (ils appellent ça ajouter une propriété) par la Google Search Console avant de les utiliser (1). En fait vous créez un bucket dans Cloud Storage pour y envoyer des fichiers web et de ce nom de bucket dépendra l'URL final. Si vous choisissez un nom de bucket qui est déjà associé à un nom de domaine, par exemple free (le site existe), le terminal de Google vous dira ceci AccessDeniedException: 403 The bucket you tried to create is a domain name owned by another user Si vous avez...

Alcibiade Didascaux

Un voyageur dans le temps malgré lui nous fait découvrir les plus grands moments historiques.


Une bande dessinée se déroulant au Japon au 16e siècle (sans doutes car il n'y a nulle date tout au long des épisodes). Le héros est un jeune et talentueux samouraï dont la carrière commence bien, mais qui devient bien vite rônin suite à un malheureux événement.  Les dessins vous plongeront dans un Japon médiéval en guerre et sans pitié. 👍

I have a hardtime figuring out this dude in war

There was a guy obsessed with wars and a friend of his in contrary that is not interested in wars. he was rather interested in movies and more specifically with Bruce Lee. He has a particular way to express himself, when asked a question he would not answer immediately but speak about something else, you would later realize that the question was answered. Calm but sharp gestures that how i remember just like Bruce Lee, although Bruce Lee is more aggressive. The two did the same war, strange thing as the Bruce Lee fan never speak about that. As i had to think about the war that they both did, i realize that i can't imagine the fan of wars in the war, but i can for the guy that never spoke about his time serving his country. The difference must lie in the seriousness of their behavior, one is a natural actor (of serious movies) and philosopher and the other has uncontrolled manners that kills all possibility to see him in an adult role of soldier that is not fair to their respec...

Was it worth it to fight for Okinawa?

Okinawa is the largest island part of the Okinawa islands annexed to the Japanese empire in 1879. It has a narrow elongated shape with an extension on the left  and a detachment of land and again one on the opposite side on the south which give 4 biggest bays, it length is 70 mi (110 km) and and average width of 7 mi (11 km) It has an area of 466 sq mi (1206 sq km) located 400 mi (600 km) south of the Japanese mainland The battle of Okinawa occurred from 04.01 to 06.22 1945 it was the last battle of the WW2. The Japanese empire was the only one of the three axis countries that has not been invaded yet at this moment. Italy has started been liberated in 1943 and Germany in the spring of 1945. In order to launch their invasion of Japan and have the Japanese surrender, the Americans needed a strong foothold. The Japanese soldiers needed to give the people of Japan an exemplary battle that would inspire them for the final battle that was meant to occur on the mainland At t...

Putin the prudent leader

In history after the ww2, no leader has extended his national territory like Putin did. The odds are even lesser if we seek for someone who has extended the national territory with military attacks like in the 18th century for example. He commanded the Russian army in four successful military campaigns: Chechnya, Ossetia ,Crimea and Syria. The style of war that he had up to now had to lead can be labelled as classical with a clear front, units dispatched massively and orderly, it is clearest with the Ossetian campaign. Despite his military strength the territories that he has taken are quite limited, the time between each attacks are quite long in a human life span and for a successful military leader: nearly ten years have passed between the Ossetia campaign and the annexation of Crimea. He earns even more points is that he didn't really seek for more gains after the Ossetia campaign. It is not rare that leaders lose it mentally after military success and need for more. at...

The China buffer

Looking at the history of Asia, i notice that there are quite a few wars. Probably within the states of Asia as anywhere else there were wars to unify the country, but the wars between people speaking different languages are quite rare and between people that don't share common borders even scarcest There are the wars between the the people of the Mekong river: the Thais, the Cambodians and the Vietnamese. Not between the Thais and the Vietnamese as they don't share common borders, but there are so few. There are no recorded wars between people of what is called the South China sea (the countries of the Filipinos archipelago) and the people of the Asian continent either. There are no traces of any Japanese invasion or Korean invasion of the Vietnamese territory as we can expect it. As i compare with the European continent, i can notice the viking invasions, the wars of 100 years, the 30 years war and other countless wars between European people. These invasions has seen p...